Sep 12, 2020Liked by Esha

The DuPont company

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Merck, for Vioxx alone.

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A large prt of the problem is that we don't even have a name for these corporate crimes. i suggest:

Mercaticide: killing through markets, commerce, and other indirect and distributed methods. Voluntary participation by customers do not exclude deaths or responsibility from this category. Includes propaganda efforts such as anti-vax. Includes deaths due to sale of illegal and legal drugs where addiction plays a part. Includes deaths due to suppression of risk information. Includes deaths due to insufficient regulation (guns.) Includes deaths with distributed responsibility, as in corporations.

Mercatanoxa: harm through markets, commerce, and other indirect and distributed methods.

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This is a really good idea. As u point out what's good for the flesh and blood human/person is good for the paper person. Course the scum in the C suite and the crappy politicians won't see it that way. With them, as we know, it's heads I win tails u lose. Keep up the good work.

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Baby foods may contain 'dangerously high levels' of toxic heavy metals, report finds - https://www.today.com/health/levels-toxic-metals-have-been-found-baby-food-report-says-t208366

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